Stop Calling 911 with Coronavirus Questions!

COUNTY SAYS: Please Stop Calling 911 With Coronavirus Questions. 

Do These Things Instead.

Press release from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:

Humboldt County Emergency communications centers are experiencing an extraordinary call volume related to non-emergency inquiries about the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As this is a rapidly evolving situation, we understand your concerns and need for information to help protect your family. We’d like to remind the public that 9-1-1 should only be used in the case of emergency. This is to ensure that those who need immediate, life-saving help can get the attention they need without delay.

Residents who suspect they may have symptoms related to COVID-19 should:

You should call 9-1-1 if:

For non-medical inquiries related to COVID-19, please contact the Humboldt County COVID-19 Information Line at 707-441-5000 or email