
Access Humboldt offers many useful services for residents of Humboldt County, and joining our membership is easy and affordable at only $25 per year for individual supporters and $35 per year for a Creator Membership, or $100 for organizations (includes up to 5 memberships).

Read on to find out more, or click here to join today!

Member Services

Access to the Community Media Center

Fully-equipped television studio

Video / Audio editing stations

Low-Cost Equipment and Facility Rentals

Video Production Kits ($5/day, $20/week)

Television Studio & Control Room ($10/hour)

Services For All

Production Services

Access Humboldt provides full production services at below-market rates for nonprofit groups and individuals working on non-commercial projects. Contact Production Manager Juan Carrillo to schedule a free consultation and find out more.

Humboldt Independent Producers (HIP) List

Access Humboldt maintains a list of members who have completed studio and field certifications and expressed an interest in doing freelance video and audio production work. Anyone can use this resource to recruit crew members and look for volunteers to work on production projects by emailing Matt Knight ( details about upcoming projects and asking to have requests forwarded to all the members on the list.

Televised Bulletin Board & KZZH Community Calendar

Humboldt County residents can also post announcements to our televised bulletin board system that airs between shows on our channels. These announcements will also be included in the KZZH Community Calendar, which is broadcast on KZZH-LP 96.7 at noon and 5pm on weekdays, and at noon on weekends.

Free Cable TV Air Time

Any resident of Humboldt County can submit non-commercial video content for playback on our channels.